Technology has made a profound impact on the field of teaching and learning. Hybrid learning is a crucial development in the field of education that has only been possible due to technology.

Flexibility is the reason many institutions switch to hybrid learning: a flexible learning schedule, flexible teaching methods, flexible student engagement with their course contents, and flexible student and teacher cooperation and communication. The hybrid learning environment enables students who are unable to go to class to learn remotely from their homes.

While this change comes with many benefits, there are three big things you need to make sure, your teachers and students are doing to keep your school's data secure, avoid online frauds and prevent being a victim of a cyber-attack.

Cyber criminals know that many of the security measures schools have in place instantly evaporate when faculty work from home. Things like firewalls, secure Wi-Fi, and restricted physical access to a computer all disappear for remote teachers.

Here are three critical things you must do if you’re allowing faculty and staff to work remotely:

  • Always On VPN for computer, tablets, and mobile devices to ensure that no matter what device employees use, or where they use it, you and your data are protected.
  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This is where you get a text, call, or need to use an authentication app to log in to programs when your account is being used.
  • Set your computer screen to lock automatically. This is a simple measure that automatically logs out and locks your computer so someone can’t just jump on and access your files and programs.

Most educational institutions aren’t doing these three basic things to keep your data and school from becoming a victim of cybercrime. They are easy to get in place and free or inexpensive.

Want to know if your faculty and staff are putting your school at risk?

Click here to schedule a brief 30-minute call to discuss your situation, needs and concerns. If appropriate, we can conduct a simple security assessment for free to know for sure if your network and data is safe.